Moments of joy in the community

Moments of joy in the community

Our communities must be joy communities This is a day for renewing the vows of one of our young professed in Notre Dame du Rosaire community in Yaundé, Cameroon. We believe in religious life, we believe that our convents are places of prayers and pity only, of sacrifices for resembling Christ’s suffering, places where we should resolve conflicts and our differences, which usually put us under tension, places where we

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First vows’ celabration in Batcham, Cameroon

First vows’ celabration in Batcham, Cameroon

We lived an awesome experience during Sister Edith Verdiane Djuidje’s first vow profession. It was very moving and touching as it was the first time that temporary vows took place in Cameroon, especially in Batcham, a land known for being very attached to its traditions and not much to the Christian culture. What excited me most is that the ceremony was all organized by the Batcham community, the community in

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Peace as the fruit of a prayer for peace in India

Peace as the fruit of a prayer for peace in India

Last December, during the Dominican month of peace, we had as a community a spiritual journey to India, in communion with the whole Dominican family who prayed for peace in India as instructed by the former Master of the Order, Fray Bruno Cadoré. How did it go? Each sister, after having chosen a task (to research data on a)  India geography b) the history of the establishment of the Dominicans

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Christmas celebration in “Ngouache”

Christmas celebration in “Ngouache”

Since October 30, 2019, the name “Ngouache” has a sad connotation; a landslide claimed the lives of more than 40 people, leaving others homeless and deprived of their possessions. The news provoked a very strong emotion throughout the country, but some went beyond emotion. Who are they? Well, a journalist -who works and live in France with his family- explained to his children the situation of the children survivors of

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The Richness of Simplicity

The Richness of Simplicity

Our common study on the mission with the Dominican Family, has given us the opportunity to go to Dagat-Dagatan, Pampanga, a place  surrounded by garbage, to experience the lifestyle of the indigenous people. Through this small mission exposure we are able to experience how to live as a Missionary, following the example of our Founders Msgr. Ramon Zubieta and Blessed Ascension Nicol. Both mission places remind us of our call

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Somos uma Rede Internacional de Vida Consagrada, uma comissão permanente da Conferência dos Religiosos do Peru, comprometida em construir uma sociedade sem tráfico de pessoas, promovendo através de ações concretas, dignidade, justiça e solidariedade. Em Lima, de 8 a 10 de maio de 2019, realizamos o VIII Encontro Nacional da Rede Kawsay Peru, “Vida consagrada por uma sociedade sem tráfico”, com a participação de 39 congregações, incluindo nosso MDR. Desde

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A part of the seed fell on good land… We, the sisters of San Martin de Porres community, continue our pastoral work in Namacurra mission. This mission was originated by the proposal of our Quelimane Bishop, Hilario da Cruz Massinga, who asked a missionary to collaborate and accompany Namacurra mission, which is more than 300 kms from Quelimane where we lived. There was nobody to evangelize 50 christian communities there.

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The arrival of November brings the charm of the beginning of the month of Mary, which is very important for our country. This month is being celebrated in the middle of a social outbreak, which is a product of tremendous inequality, low salaries, bad quality health, very poor pensions and very expensive medicines, among many other factors. Just like Israel walked through the desert amid difficulties, our country is in

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During the last two months with our elder sisters of the community: Baranyain, Burriana and Leon we lived unique moments of ease, joy and sense of belonging. The first aspect that facilitated our integration was the reception from the sisters, which makes us feel as if we were part of the communities. We were marked by the virtues, the sense of belonging and the responsibility they showed for one another,

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“Blessed is she who believed, for there will be fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord” (Lc 1, 45) (GUATEMALA)

“Blessed is she who believed, for there will be fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord” (Lc 1, 45) (GUATEMALA)

“Jireh” settlement (The Lord my provider) is located on 23rd avenue in Guatemala City. By watching how a group of women from this settlement live and coexist makes us think about how they can organize themselves among many uncertainties and are able to move forward with their families. The capacity of generating joy and optimism in their everyday lives and the encounters they have every Wednesday to share God’s word.

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