By using this title my dear sisters, we want to share with you the different tasks we have in our community (Nuestra Senora del Rosario) and the joy and love that characterizes each of us when serving others. These tasks are cooking and liturgy. Each of the tasks is developed from Sunday to Saturday by us in groups of two members each (one sister and a postulant or two postulants).

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Within 24 hours, 3 couples became parents of 6 wonderful babies in our hospital ‘Notre Dame Du Rosaire De Simbok’ on April 15th. Many times, we focus on what is wrong: water and light problems, personnel arriving late, carelessness, patients’ ingratitude, exhaustion, failure, etc. It is not easy to deal with people or to manage goods. We forget to have a positive perspective about things and to be thankful to

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Motivated by our Congregation’s constitution (number 44, page 37), which invites to incarnation, I included myself among teenagers to evangelize. In our action plan, we have many activities in the program, including practicing sport on Saturday morning, though unfortunately coronavirus has prevented us from practicing. The main objectives for incarnation and joining teenagers’ group are: Being close to teenagers to help them to evolve -especially those who are isolated- towards

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Easter from Macau

Easter from Macau

We have a remarkable Easter for the Global church. With so many countries on lock down, unable to attend mass or come together in this Easter. But we were lucky the religious group here in our place with the permission of the Bishop we can celebrate Mass in the convent without outsiders of course only the priest. We need to open our eyes and our hearts in order to recognize

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He is Risen, Alleluia!

He is Risen, Alleluia!

Easter is a time of rejoicing of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ that, He died and rose again in order to bring new life to the humanity.  We are also inspired by the words of Pope Francis during Easter time. “The grace of God washed us of our sin and we took on Christ; Every time Catholics receive the Eucharist, They are united with the Servant Christ in obedience to

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Love as saying to the poor that “you are not alone”

Love as saying to the poor that “you are not alone”

The right to christian funeral is not a due  for many reasons ranging from the situation of communion of the deceased with the Church, that of the family  and sometimes, unfortunately, for economic reasons because it is necessary to pay some fees for the mass. Well, for Brice, a poor young sick man who died at Batcham Fiela in December 2019, things were easier. The priest announced one day at

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Welcome to the web portal of the Dominican Missionary Sisters of the Rosary

Welcome to the web portal of the Dominican Missionary Sisters of the Rosary

Full of joy we invite you to visit our new web portal, let’s share the good news with our contacts and invite them to be part of this great family! For us this is an opportunity, an open window for continuing our mission to those who surf the net. The beautiful and diversified presences we have in the world are worth communicating them. Every action, even the smallest one is

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Leadership and context

Leadership and context

Christ encouraged us with an example of limitless sacrifice. This testimony may seem to be resignified in our current context. Our leaderships require to pay attention to basic needs such as listening, welcoming, service and merciful gaze. It is vital to irradiate a humanizing leadership in the middle of these social, values and health crisis. The evangelizing exercise of attending with dedication and disposition to our children underlines not only

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Prayer in times of coronavirus

Prayer in times of coronavirus

Father and Mother of all creation God of mercy and compassion Today your daughters and sons, who you have tattooed on the palm your hands, Cry out to you, from our fragility From this deep via crucis we are suffering as humanity   Give strength and protection to all health care workers who expose their lives to save the lives of others. Give intelligence and wisdom to all the scientists

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One thing, everything there is in the now of time

One thing, everything there is in the now of time

Everyone desires to live a life at its best. How we define “best” has something to do with what we have in our hearts and to seek every possibility to fulfill it. Just as what we desire and how we seek to fulfill them is marked both by our uniqueness and character.  In this land of the living that we all share, we dare to care and to get connected

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