I am on Holidays in my giant Democratic Republic of the Congo, where -as in any other country- it was ordered, on March 10th, a national emergency state, immovability and closed borders. All the activities are still suspended, and people continue their social lockdown. I think that -for a reason that only God knows- few days after I left Ecuador, the first Covid-19 was reported in Ecuador. If this would

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Unforgettable holidays

Unforgettable holidays

I am Hilda, I work in Quito for the last 7 years and I came to Peru during the first days of March to spend my holidays and to do some paperwork, something that I was able to do just before the government declared national immobility due to Covid-19. I am in Chiclayo in my sister’s house. From here I extend my fraternal and solidary greeting to all and each

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“Only a woman, only she can reach another woman’s heart…”

“Only a woman, only she can reach another woman’s heart…”

I have always been moved by the expression of our founding Father: “Only a woman, only she can reach another woman’s heart…” My Dear Sisters: I want to share with you how this expression of our founding Father is heard by myself since I was in my internship and how it has marked my pastoral life with women in different countries… Sisters, without taking out the first sense of these

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“We are all in the same storm, but not in the same boat”

“We are all in the same storm, but not in the same boat”

Dear sisters, I was asked to write my experience while living in Ecuador and that is what I am going to do. On March 11th, 2020, I arrived to Quito, Ecuador’s capital, from Chile, following my missionary dream that was born when I was a novice in Lima in the years 1990 and 1991. In this missionary experience, my assigned community is Quininde, located in Esmeralda province, Ecuador. However, by

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In the silence of Everything

In the silence of Everything

Hello! I am Sara del Pilar and I was born near of the ocean in Mancora, Peru. I have come to Quito, Ecuador where I have lived 30 beautiful years. The last years, I have been living in Rosario (Argentina) because I was studying, and I came back to Quito at the end of 2019. I was tired of the books and the city. I felt I needed to stop

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Education within reach of countryside youth

Education within reach of countryside youth

I committed myself to accompany girls and teenagers in the “Proyecto Promocion de la mujer” (Women’s promotion project) of the Missionary Sisters of the Rosary in the boarding school “Santa Rosa” of San Ignacio, Cajamarca, because we value countryside girls’ education since it is very important for their development, especially considering the dangers that they face.   I arrived to the boarding school on March 10th, a week before the

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Missionary experience in Barañain, Pamplona

Missionary experience in Barañain, Pamplona

The mission has been, is, and will be an unforgettable and a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me. It is a joy and plenitude feeling that it cannot be compared to any other luxury that we have in our everyday life. The mission involves many pleasant experiences despite the challenges that are also part of the missionary life. The missionary experience is expressed as a life novelty in all the dimensions of

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The session among postulants takes place every third weekend in ITPR-Mvolyé from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The program includes animation, eucharistic celebration, meals, the works at the crossroads, different household chores, etc. During the year different topics are programmed and among them, we chose to talk about “Self-knowledge.” To know yourself is very complex because you must go deeper to know our being. We cannot just base on the

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Nuestra Senora del Rosario de Yaunde community is composed by twelve members. From March 18th we have been taken the actions suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO), the government, Cameroonians and the Catholic Church to fight against corona virus (COVID-19). We have been taking these suggestions and we decided to make the following commitment: Each of us has a bucket of water and soap outside our houses to wash

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Don’t be afraid!

Don’t be afraid!

Don’t be afraid! These words were pronounced by beatus John Paul II on the day of the inauguration of his pontificate, October 22nd, 1978 and are still relevant today. I allow myself dear sisters to dedicate these words to ourselves in the difficult times we are facing. Don’t be afraid because Christ has defeated death. He’s alive, it is Easter!           We have been called to accept life as it is,

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