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A new journey which begun many years ago, has found its purpose on September 08, 2020: “first religious profession of eight of us, Novices”. This is the answer to what our hearts had been searching, have longed for many years, the treasure of our “calling”. It was on August 6, 2019 marked as our initiation into Canonical year, a year in which we have a lot to learn: to accept,
Coronavirus COVID-19’s pandemic challenges the whole world. It has stopped most work activities and many people are unemployed, complicating even more human being’s life, preventing coexistence among people, obliging us to keep social distance and forcing us to stay at home. What is curious is that un Luanda we are all living a stage where masks have become everybody’s ID, without differentiating of social class, sex or age. It sounds
Monsignor Ramon Zubieta community was founded on November 19th, 1996 in the south of Angola -Lubango. It is formed by two sisters who have perpetual vows, a sister of temporary vows, five candidates and four postulants, who are making their vocational judgment. The sisters have the position of coordinator, administrator, secretary, companion of candidates and postulants and promoter of vocational pastoral. They live a fraternal life in a responsible way,
We want to greet to all the sisters of our congregation as well as all the candidates to be part of the Dominican Missionary Sisters of the Rosary. We want to share with you our vocational walk as internal candidates of Sao Martinho-Viana community in Portugal and what our daily life has been in times of a “social lockdown” since last March. As you know, all academic and pastoral activities
“Go! Make others happy! You will know what joy is.” Since the beginning of my studies, I had the desire to “swap my sofa for walking boots” as Pope Francis invites us, to go and serve others. I was sent to East Timor by Dom&Go, the Dominican volunteering organization. I shared the mission of the Dominican Missionary Sisters of the Rosary in Oecusse for six months. I taught English to
“Therefore, if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ…. make my joy complete by being like- minded, having the same love, be in one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value other above yourselves, not looking to your interest but each of you to the interests of the others. (Philippians 2:1-4) Every Christian is called to
I thank God for His endless graces which guide me until today. I am happy that I am in the “Canonical Year” of my novitiate, in which one important lesson I am learning is to “take the present seriously.” I am very happy that everything has been planned and organized well in the community. We have proper schedule during the day which guides me, practically like “what to do and
It is easy to connect beads with wire, when one is making a chain for Rosary, but it is hard to connect oneself with what is within. Now a days, people are intelligent, very smart in recreating new things. They find easier to connect one thing with the other so to make them one. We often have experienced it from computers, such that when there is no internet connection, do
When we celebrated calendar year 2020 on its first day of the year, positive energy fills our hearts for it is double 20, “a perfect sight”, an optometrist approves. It is indeed a positive nudge for a prosperous year, believing also that this, too, for a better perspective to live by. One school year counting starts by June to March, ten months complying the Education Department requirement of 195 to