The General Chapter gradually advances in its analysis, reflection and projection in the different stages and elements on FORMATION: Vocational Promotions, Formation Teams, General Plan for Initial Formation and the contextualization in each province, the stages of Postulancy, Novitiate and Juniorate, and the Permanent Formation.
We would like to highlight and thank the sisters of the “Comunidad de Acogida de Madrid” (host community in Madrid) that, with much dedication and discretion, are making everything possible so that we can feel at home and facilitates all so we could be able to work with ease and tranquility. A special mention to all sisters and staff, who besides preparing snacks and meals for us, are exerting extra attention towards us and to those who are with health needs. Thank you for the gift of an anonymous service to the minute details.
Queremos destacar e agradecer às irmãs da Comunidade Acolhimento de Madrid que, com muita dedicação e discrição, fazem tudo o que é possível para nos fazer sentir em casa e poder trabalhar com conforto e tranquilidade. Menção especial às irmãs e funcionários que, além de prepararem lanches e refeições, também nos atendem nos percalços de saúde que algumas de nós tiveram.
Obrigada pelo dom do serviço anónimo desde os pequenos detalhes.