4th of May 2022
- Hnasmdro
- mayo 4, 2022
- 0
- 481
We welcomed the day with gratitude for the Eucharist celebrated together and the invitation to deepen the sense of listening. With this intention we´ve started the meeting, giving some resonance of yesterday´s sessions through a phrase: responsibility towards the new generations; the continued preoccupation and challenge of initial formation; a vibrant community and serves as reference; nurturing relationships into a more human community; sense of belonging; create a family ambiance in communities; grateful; hopeful; significant missions; stirring minds and hearts; what does the Holy Spirit asks of us?; what is our mission in post-pandemic context?
To continue with reports from the General Council, we gave way to Sisters Kattia Montezuma, General Administrator. We were told that despite of sums, subtractions, accounting done in this service, we need to be conscious that we are not an agency nor an NGO. However, the need for consistency in the regulatory guidelines, fiscal and civil laws within a dynamic of synodal compromise in favor of the poor.
It was pointed out too, that sense of economy is for life, the quality of mission and compromise of the community. Our great good is each of the sisters. We need to guarantee same opportunities, regardless of our role as testimonies in midst of a world of so much indifference. The economy is a necessary means to design the prophetic and testimonial lifestyle. The evangelical and civil life urges us to be transparent so to enable us to interpret the statistics. This, indeed, is one of the services by which helps us bring on the surface the principle of reality. When we propose to design projects, we need to add up where will the human and financial resources come from and how to assure its sustainability?
We were invited to think that when we professed, we integrated wholly into our vocation. The evangelical criteria still are a challenge in terms of administration. Jesus have shown us how our services “among you, it is not supposed to be like this”. We have the temptation to be controllers, law makers of our sisters, but ours is to care for others with service and transparency. We need to see beyond in our mission, that of our province, to dream with the Gospel, with His Kingdom.
Kattia was grateful to the past and present local and provincial administrators, for the efforts and dedication in this field and, to the provincial teams in helping in the discernment and for being conscientious that we are in the same boat.
The Chapter members were grateful for the attentive and attentive service rendered by Sister Kattia. At the same time, expressed resonances, raised questions and clarifications over their uncertainties with regards to the data presented. Furthermore, the theme on administration was tackled.
In the afternoon, we reflected on by groups over two aspects presented based on the pre-chapter works: one that depends on the planification (planning) and the other, that which depends on us. In the plenary, some aspects were brought out: communities who encountered difficulties to understand terminologies utilized in the plans; diverse experiences of pastoral planning; a less evaluative culture in terms of community practice.
The moderator singled out that it is important to understand the methodology to communicate later in our provinces and communities. Thus, the session ended up by exercising the SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) of the Congregation which will be taken further during the Chapter sessions.