It is with great joy and passion that I come to thank you for all that you have done in the lives of indigenous men and women, young people and children. You have valued their dignity and even changed their lives.
I was so taken by your model of life that today I have decided to follow your example. Your simplicity, self-giving, love for others, commitment, passion for the mission, availability, vision of the future, communication, strength, joy, determination, trust and more, all these elements led you to carry out your mission to be close to the people, to sit with them, to listen to them.
Fray Ramón, the mission wasn’t easy, but thanks to God’s grace and your trust, you were able to carry out your mission.
I would ask you to tell me what skill or method you applied in order to overcome all the difficulties you encountered on the mission.
Thank you for the missionary work that continues today as I follow in your footsteps and discover you in the person of those most in need.