Dear Father Ramón Zubieta Hnasmdro noviembre 19, 2024 MDR Experiences 0 70 Dear Father Ramón ZubietaIt is with great joy and with the love that animates my heart that I can thank God for thegrace that He has given us to have you as Founder of our Congregation and as ourfather in the faith.Dear Father, I admire you for your strength and firmness, for your love for the brothers and sisters whohave given you strength and determination to be able to carry out your mission. I also want tofollow you, to give everything I have for the sisters, for the people of the apostolic center where Iwork. I want to share their suffering and all that you did with love and attention.Help me that every time I encounter difficulties I continue to seek strength in your life andmake your life an example for me.I want to talk to you, see you and touch you, but I cannot, although in the depths of my heart I cantouch you, see you and find you. May your spirit always accompany me.A big hug.Therese ZiriraneNoviciado de Viana – AngolaFebrero, 2018 Compartir esta publicacion