A unique experience

A canonical visitation of two (2) months and seven (7) days that allowed me to rewrite my history and recite the Magnificat with the Virgin Mary.

With Sister Geraldine, a member of the General Council, we made the canonical visitation to the Province of St. Louis Bertran, formed by Timor and the Philippines. It was a unique and wonderful experience. I experienced how big and diversified our Congregation is,

Every encounter, in every community, with every sister, every student in the different schools and colleges where our sisters work, was at every moment a reason to thank the Lord for the gift of our Congregation. From a very limited vision that I had because I had always worked in the same Province and with the same realities, I have experienced a broad vision of the Congregation, rich in diversity and diversified diversities.

Every encounter with our sisters, in their different works and apostolates, was for me a source of admiration, like the encounter between Mary and her cousin Elizabeth. Our Spirituality incarnated in the children of the different schools, in the girls in the boarding school whom our sisters care for and try to help to fend for themselves, our Charism incarnated in the children and young people in the orphanages, in the hospital, in the hearts and lives that some of our sisters nurture and educate, giving scholarships, moral, material, spiritual and psychological support, traveling long distances by sea, with all the dangers involved in going out to meet them. I have had experiences of new Maldonados in some of our missions, where the presence of our sisters is truly saving.

I thank God for allowing me to sing of his wonders through his creation: the sea, the mountains, the plains, the ravines, the mangroves , the nature, the cultivation of rice, the various passages by the sea, the fish and seafood, discovering the islands, getting used to boats of all kinds, marveling at seeing villages and inhabitants who live from the sea, admiring the little children, who are taught to enjoy the sea and water, taught to swim from childhood, to row, to fish, to dive into the depths of the sea to collect the coins that generous souls throw them from the top of the boats on the high seas during the crossing to help them.

This visit was combined with the profession of our 10 sisters who made their first vows in our new community in Makati. It was a blessing and a small embrace and affection from God that ended our visit.

I am infinitely grateful for the special welcome of each community in Timor and the Philippines, filled with the richness of the culture of the place, the welcome of the families of the sisters we visited, the welcome of the staff and companions of our sisters, the administrative staff, the bishops of the different dioceses where our sisters are inserted. Thanks to the General Council, always united with us and supporting us with their prayers and affection.

Thanks to each sister, to the teachers, staff and companions of our sisters in their missions, thanks to the apostolic workers, students, etc… for everything.


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