(Part 1)

From August 29 to September 1, the Sisters of the Local CIRMO (Conference of Religious of Mozambique) and of the Northern Vicariate of the Diocese of Inhambane, carried out a Mission in the Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of New Mambone, in Inhambane. It was an opportunity that allowed us to join forces as Missionaries of this region, to carry out a joint evangelizing mission and strengthen the faith of Christians in proclaiming and witnessing of the Word in the Church. For us, it was a real adventure because no one was clear about what we were going to do, nor what was going to happen.

When we arrived at the parish, we found the Pallottine formandi rehearsing with the community. During the rehearsals we were introduced to the community and each of the sisters had the chance to introduce themselves as a Congregation. Not knowing exactly where we were going to stay, we participated in the rehearsals while waiting for the new instructions. In the meantime, more people were arriving from other areas. Later, we were informed that we would stay in the families already identified to carry out the mission to which, all of us were overjoyed.

On the 30th, the first thing in the morning was the celebration of the Mass of sending forth and the blessing with holy water. We were divided into groups of two by two, as indicated in the Gospel of Mk. 6:7. We then were accompanied by the mothers in the mission areas. I felt that we are not only disciples, but “disciples as one body”, where Christ is the head. Each missionary was given the schedule of the program with the plan of the visit, including the blessing of the houses. When we arrived at the houses, the families warmly received us and were pleased. After returning from the mission, before dinner, we had a moment of recollection and sharing of the experiences of what was transpired throughout the day. The next day, we began with the celebration of the Eucharist and were accompanied this time by the group of mothers and some men. I realized that the word “Church” is clearly “Feminine”, as Pope Francis says.

It is worth mentioning that there was also a mutual collaboration, since the group of missionaries that felt less busy joined others to help and speed up the work. I am sure that our meeting with people of different age groups and social classes will leave good fruits. In addition to the established parish territories, we visited the hospital, too. One group visited the sick and was invited to bless a newborn baby. We also participated in the funeral of a former catechist, strengthening the bereaved family.


Another important aspect was the motivation of the families to go to church, without fear of assuming their responsibilities, especially those who gave up for no reason. Some groups, when they entered the healer’s house, made him realize that they too are not excluded from the Church and can learn that God is more important than all their beliefs. Thus, throughout the days we carried out activities in 11 mission areas that included: home visits, where we were invited to the pastoral care of listening to their stories; there was a time of sharing the Word of God and we tried to give moral, psychological and spiritual support to the family; we ended the visit with the blessing of the house.

Inhassoro, September 2024

Sister Maria Mulima

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