The challenge of unity is a continuous force that brings people to consider, accept, respect and even to tolerate what is at stake in given circumstances. This had been the truth of human encounters.

In Isabela de Basilan, there are many occasions to meet new people, from the surrounding islands. We gather as brothers and sisters, most often not just among Christians. The reality of diversity and migration are daily challenges among tribes, given their nomadic tendencies. Sometimes, monitoring families for prelature purposes or other activities and even inviting them can be a tedious task as we must search their present residence. Yet, they are the most participative and cheerful crowd.

The search for a genuine and cohesive membership reminds us that we are all pilgrims, in need and collectively seeking refuge from the storms of life and the vulnerability of each member to fall along the way. Hence, the Good Shepherd is an inspiration as it brings us to test our capacity to tend each other and bear with one another as St. Paul tells the people of Corinth (chapter 13).

Our mission is an act of continuous search both for God’s will for people and self as well as a continuous invitation to seek within us the fruits of the Spirit to be able to sow good deeds among people regardless of time and context. Our missionary tolerance and patience allow us to journey with people from past ministries or even before we literally meet direct recipients of our self-giving apostolates. We have traced such attitudes from the first community of disciples to the Church of today in Basilan and in other MDR mission!

What we seek from encountering diverse groups as Missionary Dominican Sisters of the Rosary is the capacity of our very self to offer a hand, a sign of our becoming more of a vessel towards transforming lives and offering them to God, who heals, helps and loves them more than we ever can. As our patroness of this prelature (Santa Isabel de Portugal) bears it attributes to dialogues for peace and unity, we are never an end to this search. We collaborate in this grand entrepreneur of building the circumferential path of solidarity, unity and one hopeful people of God.

Nini Rebollos

Begang, Basilan, Filipinas

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