
As I embark on this journey to embrace the humility of Saint Rose of Lima, I am inspired by her life of simplicity, service, and devotion. Saint Rose’s unwavering faith and humble spirit serve as an inspiring light and guide to deepen our relationship with God and to selflessly serve others. Through her life, she teaches us that true humility is recognizing our worth in the eyes of God and using our own gifts to uplift others. Through reflection and action, we can strive to follow her example.


Recognizing My Worth in the Eyes of God


Recognizing Gifts and Talents: It is important to recognize that our abilities and talents are gifts from God. And that they are not just for personal success, but to serve and uplift those around us. and therefore we must use these talents for the common good, just as Saint Rose did.


Practice Gratitude: By expressing gratitude, you can stay focused on what really matters. Gratitude helps you appreciate the value of each day and the people God puts in your life.


Live a Life of Service

Selflessly Serve Others: St. Rose dedicated her life to serving the poor and sick. Following her example, we will look for opportunities to volunteer our time and help those in need. We will look for ways to make a difference in our community, recognizing that even small acts of kindness can have a big impact on the lives of others.

Create Space for Service: Just as St. Rose built a hermitage to serve others, we can create space in our lives for service. This means dedicating time each week to helping others, whether through organized activities or spontaneous acts of kindness.

Deepen our relationship with God.

Set aside time each day for prayer and reflection, seeking God’s guidance and strength. In this time of stillness, ask for the grace to live humbly and be open to serving others with love and compassion.

Seek Spiritual Growth: Actively seek opportunities for spiritual growth, such as reading Scripture, participating in spiritual retreats, and in discussions with others that help and inspire in faith.


Let Go of Ego

Practice Humility in Interactions: In relationships with others try to listen more than talk, valuing the perspectives and contributions of others. This means putting aside our ego and recognizing the importance of each person’s role in the community.

Perform Silent Acts of Kindness: Inspired by the humble service of St. Rose, strive to perform acts of kindness without seeking recognition. The joy of serving others and knowing that we are following the teachings of Christ is reward enough.

Embracing the humility of St. Rose of Lima is an ongoing journey of faith, service, and self-reflection. Following her example, one can cultivate a spirit of humility in one’s own life, striving to serve others with love and compassion. Through prayer, gratitude and dedication, seek to draw closer to God and live the teachings of Jesus, just as St. Rose did so beautifully.

hna. Dionisia Salsinha Maia, Junior from Aldaia.

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