Life Journey with trust and gratefulness
- Hnasmdro
- junio 24, 2024
- MDR Experiences
- 0
- 735

As human beings, we have learned to be grateful for our original culture. When we eat fruits, we remember the person who planted the tree, when we drink water, we remember the stream of fountains; and when we say goodbye we remember our beloved home Asian Continental Novitiate, for all the good deeds that have helped to nature and grow in our vocation.
We are very happy and grateful to all our Sisters who thought of organizing this program in the Asian continental novitiate here. We thank our St. Mary’s Province Sisters sending us to San Luis Beltran Province for the intercontinental novitiate formation program for two years. In a special way, we thank you for your love, care, supports, engagements, and prayers. We also thank all the sisters of this province who have welcomed us and cared for us until this day.
We are grateful to our three dear formators Srs. Fatima, Rosa Maria and Pushpa. We are inspired and motivated by your simple way of life. Thank you very much for your love, care, support and understanding. You are open and you have endured much to love and to form us in this religious vocation. You are our model for us. In different times and circumstances, from time to time, you have become our formators, teachers, sisters, friends and mothers to make us feel at home and belonging. We know, we are always in good hands. We have grown a lot spiritually and physically because of our formators. They have brought awareness and direction to our lives. Thank you very much.
The core of our experience at Asian Continental Novitiate is that we are trusted. As we take the example of the Gospel of Matthew 2:10, where the three wise men trusted the shining star to go to Bethlehem, We, too, find this trust in our community. For us, the Asian continual Novitiate community is like a small heaven because we all have contributed together for our happiness, joy, helping and understanding with one another. Though we sometimes face challenges and difficulties but we have overcome them with dialogue and forgiveness. Here, our vocation is nurtured by love, togetherness, study and prayer. The classes given by our Formators, Common study in OP family, invited professors, priests and lay and in ICLA and individual conferences with our Novice Mistress have helped us to deepen our vocation in religious life. They have shaped our religious life. Today, we are very grateful for these wonderful opportunities. They are our stars and very precious to us, the way they have cared, loved, motivated, and inspired us.
We are also grateful for the community experience in San Luis Province, and the simple life lived by our sisters has strengthened our vocation. Thank you very much Sisters!
We also take this opportunity to thank our companions, Srs. Maria Duc, Teresa, Tessa and Mary for staying one year together and making wonderful memories together. We thank our presence companions Maia, Mariam, Miriam, Marie, Goretti, Isa, Camilia, Guilher, Tezy, Domingas, and Flory. Thank you very much for our stay together. By learning and exploring things together, we have become mature in our relationship.
We pray for you all dear Sisters that God bless you all and accompany you in your mission. May God give you hundredfold blessings for all the effort you have made to make our lives more meaningful. Please pray for us and let us journey together to make this world a better place.
Thank you very much.
Misila and Radhika
Asian Continental Novitiate