- Hnasmdro
- junio 19, 2024
- MDR Experiences
- 0
- 207

Impact of climate injustice on the poorest.
Those who have contributed the least or contribute the least to climate variation and effects are the most affected. They are the so-called “climate disenfranchised,” who are most vulnerable to these changing climate variations and effects.
The environmental crisis is affecting millions of people, especially in the South, harming their most basic rights such as the right to food, drinking water, health, a dignified life, a healthy environment, generating a great climate injustice. The mistreatment of the planet has greater consequences on the other side of the world.
Human beings have the power to transform it: for better and for worse. We are “the only species capable of changing the planet”. Do not wait for a miracle from God.
We must demonstrate against this injustice that is the environmental inequality that is affecting millions of people, especially in the global South, reducing their most basic rights, causing hunger and poverty of all kinds.
Why is it unfair? Because the most vulnerable people do not have the resources to cope with these situations and are the ones who suffer most from the forms of consumption and production of developed countries.
Sad fact: climate variations are mainly related to the growing economic activity of the most developed countries, but the most severe risks, impacts and consequences are suffered by the vulnerable people of the South, who have had little to do with the problem.
For example, climate policies focused on carbon offsets, which allow richer countries to continue to grow economically, are having a greater impact on poorer countries.
Sadder still: It is estimated that between 3.3 and 3.6 billion people, about half of the world’s population, live in contexts that are “highly vulnerable” to climate instability. So we see how climatic variations do not affect us equally: while a part of humanity can cope with climatic adversities (because there are more means to mitigate the damage: they can study, heal, avoid high dangers, feed themselves properly and have defenses, and …), there are millions of people much more vulnerable to the negative impacts of the changing climate. ), there are millions of people much more vulnerable to the negative impacts of the changing climate.
According to data from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), “between 2010 and 2020, human mortality from floods, droughts and storms was 15 times higher in highly vulnerable regions compared to those with very low vulnerability.” They have no right to food, with persistent droughts, increasing water pollution, health, rising sea levels with loss of farming areas, land erosion, disappearance of traditional fishing grounds, and destruction of housing and infrastructure, and in the increase of forced displacements.
Personal commitment is very important because we are the only species with the power to stop inequality in the face of climate injustice, which we have also caused even if it is not enough by our way of consuming and producing, of not discerning before using the sold fruits of what is being destroyed in the South to achieve the same.
We raise our voice for the care of the planet because it is the way to fight for the dignity of people.
Marie Claire
(part of her talk during the campaign with MANOS UNIDAS)