- Hnasmdro
- junio 26, 2023
- MDR Experiences
- 0
- 288
Today I want to come close each one of you, to share about the Youth Ministry and the organization of the Catechists that we have assumed in community within the plan at the parish and vicarial level.
As MDR we contribute from our Spirituality, what we are and what we have. But above all, we receive much life and generosity from God and from the people. How many moments that surprise us in the simplicity and greatness of his love and the beauty of his creation; we feel invited to continue giving ourselves among the neediest people and responding to the call of the Lord and the invitation of Pope Francis to be a synodal Church.
The Youth Ministry has a coordination team, with Miguel Romero as coordinator, and the Zonal advisor is Mr. René, both are lay persons with lots of talents and desires to contribute to a young Church. They wish to continue learning and forming themselves as good pastoral agents and citizens committed to the care of life and the environment. We walk together with the youth in this process in which God also asks us to be converted, to announce his Word at all times and in all realities. It is a mission that I do not do alone, we work together with catechists, animators, leaders and the young people themselves and the people who welcome us at each meeting.
It is a profound experience for which I always thank our Father God, because it encourages me to continue giving what I am to this mission, overcoming difficulties, yes, because there are times when it wasn’t always easy. But with God, everything is possible, it is such a strength to share the faith, the sacrifices, the hopes of our brothers and sisters in this constant struggle to build a better world where everything makes sense again from God’s point of view.
Adelida Altamirano Fernández, MDR.
San Ignacio Community, Cajamarca,