- Hnasmdro
- marzo 15, 2023
- MDR Experiences
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- 362
What does St. Joseph mean or has meant for your life?
Since I was a little girl, the figure of St. Joseph was projected to me as it was traditional at that time: the Jewish carpenter, husband of Mary, putative father of Jesus, etc. In a word, what the Gospels tell us and what is understood as a historical event.
In my house, St. Joseph was celebrated as a family tradition. It was an endearing feast. It was also my father’s saint. For that day, my mother made butter cake and doughnuts.
In the Congregation, Joseph began to be seen as the natural father of Jesus and husband of Mary. The vision was changing.
Not many years ago, living in the Dominican Republic, I had the opportunity to participate in workshops on Attachment Theory and in the time that the meetings lasted, San José never came to mind. But one of many days, contemplating what for Jesus of Nazareth was his Father, his Abba, he would have wanted to ask the conductor of the workshops if he had not related the theory that he appreciated so much with what the Gospel presents us about Jesus, about Joseph, and about the Father. But it was already late.
Sister María Pura González Dominican Republic.

In addition to the significance that St. Joseph has for welcoming the pregnant Mary (Mt 1, 20-21), protecting, teaching and caring for Jesus, I think that, at this moment, in the reality of migration that we are living in the world and especially in Nicaragua, St. Joseph is the representative of the migrants. He flees to Egypt to defend the life of his family (Mt 2:13-15)
Sister Cruz María Cubilete-Nicaragüa.
I feel that St. Joseph has been vindicated with the catecheses of Pope Francis, who has highlighted a number of important aspects for life. They can be easily found on the internet. In addition to the catecheses, the Pope tells us of his devotion to St. Joseph as the “Man of Dreams”; to him he entrusts in writing the situations that concern him in the Church. The image is very suggestive.
Looking back, in my catechism days, I won a prize and chose a little picture of St. Joseph with the Child that accompanied me for many years. As a young girl I read the life of St. Teresa and some of her works and I realized how important St. Joseph was to her. He helped her to understand the humanity of God, God close and to deepen the humanity of Jesus. So St. Joseph is very present in his writings and spirituality. It is a devotion that comes from her youth and penetrates the life and mystical experience of the saint. In fact, many of her foundations will have him as Protector.
In my activity as an itinerant missionary, I became aware of the presence of St. Joseph with the Child in all the temples and I began to ask myself, how come this image has not been used in catechesis, in preaching, in all the formative activities? In places and countries where it seems that children belong only to women, St. Joseph speaks to us of his responsibility in the care of Jesus. There is much to be done here.
I am currently a member of the Province of St. Joseph and I feel protected by the saint of closeness and action. I have much to learn from him.
Sister Humbelina del Caño-Mexico.