8th of June
- Hnasmdro
- junio 9, 2022
- 0
- 611

The sisters gathered and united in prayer, taking into account the message of Jesus who, like Peter, are asked to look back into the depth of the heart, “Do you love me? Only from the love of a friend and from the ideal of agape love can we continue to commit ourselves to the mission entrusted to us, to “feed my sheep” who cry out for respect, justice and dignity, as our brother Mario Rui OP reminded us in his homily.
Today´s task was to have the election of the 5 councilors. We formally began by reading some numbers of the Constitutions referred to the election of councilors. After the voting and the acceptance of the elected sisters, the new General Council is composed of the following sisters:
- María Raquel Gil Más: General Coordinator (Spain).
- María Trindade Lopes Rafael: Vicar General (Portugal).
- Luz Marina Amaru Choccata: Secretary General (Peru).
- Daisy Xavier Paliyathayil: General Administrator (India).
- Geraldina Céspedes Ulloa: General Councilor (Dominican Republic).
- Marie Claire Silatchom Noumsi: General Consell (Cameroon).
With songs, hugs have accompanied the joy of this election process, valuing the face of our Congregation: intercultural and intergenerational. The moderator reminded the capitulars of their commitment to accept and encourage the new Council, and to push our communities towards congregational unity from the richness of diversity. With certainty, the Spirit of our founding fathers, Ramon Zubieta and Ascension Nicol, will accompany us and will continue to offer its light and wisdom in the journey of the Congregation.