6th of June
- Hnasmdro
- junio 7, 2022
- 0
- 694
These past weeks were days of intense work and so, precisely today, motivated by prayer, we disposed ourselves to this day of retreat, set our whole being to be receptive to God´s ways and to let his light and wisdom accompany us in view of the election of the new General Council. With full trust in God, and as one family, we want to let ourselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit to respond to the challenges of the present time.
Today, Fray Mario Rui, OP accompanied us with his reflection on leadership. The topic was full of life, with interesting dynamics which motivated us to recognize qualities, defects and characteristics of those sent by Jesus: the 12 disciples and other characters such as Mary Magdalene and Saul.
He went on and have asked us with the question: “What is a leader?” and then later, clarified terms such as power, authority, and leadership. Then, he shared some reflections regarding the subject: Leadership is something inherent to human beings, not something special to some people, but to all, inviting everyone to walk together towards a horizon defined by all.
He stressed the characteristics of a servant leader. This type of leadership is centered on the common good, from a shared vision and commitment, a leadership that which generates relationships, to make us more human, enhancing the capabilities of all to put them at the service of others. Among the most specific characteristics of this servant leadership are: self-knowledge, humility, resilience, empathy, capacity of service, recognizing ourselves in a constant learning process of humanization.
The reflection throughout the day was based on the movie “Invictus” featuring Nelson Mandela as the axis of reflection. His words, gestures, silence, symbols have helped us to deepen the meaning of this leadership as service.
We ask for prayers, so that the Holy Spirit may enlighten our sisters in the Chapter as Tuesday and Wednesday were set as days of elections for the General Coordinator and General Council respectively.