19th of May
- Hnasmdro
- mayo 19, 2022
- 0
- 453
We started the day with prayers accompanied by the Mayan Cross, peculiar of the Mayan spirituality (from Guatemala) where we were all invited to a holistic dynamic from the four cardinal points. Having oriented us to the East, where the sun rises, we welcome all the energy we receive for the day; to the West, where the sun sets, we make a balance/evaluation of all that was realized in our life and mission; set ourselves towards North, the point which guides us, we invoked to our ancestors and named our sisters who no longer walk with us and asked to continue guiding us; towards the South, where we reap the harvest, we presented our sisters in the initial formation.
In this harmony of feeling linked to the Heart of Heaven and the Heart of the Earth (as it is said in Mayan spirituality), Jesus, Himself, invites us in His Gospel, to remain in His love. As the Father has loved Him, and He in turn loved us, this bond of love has given us identity and belongingness.
In the works of the Chapter, we were left with a question yesterday, what criteria do we propose for the revision of our works, presences, and styles of mission? The formulation and consensus of the results regarding this question served to reinforce concepts and appropriated us all in this process of joint effort.
We ended up united in the very words of our Founder Ramon Zubieta “I have blessed them with a love from a Father, I have asked because they had been firm and reliable, but above all, I offered to give them life, so that they may not be afraid of anything and to heal the wounds of those who now suffer.