3rd of May 2022
- Hnasmdro
- mayo 4, 2022
- 0
- 611

We´ve started the day with thanksgiving to God for His presence and hoping that we be receptive to the newness of His word which will be disclosed to us today through the presentation of reports from our sisters in the General Council.
To remind and have echo of yesterday, the sister moderator pointed out the challenges which must be taken profoundly in the Chapter, asking ourselves what we want and where we yearn to go… To help us to value that which is different in every person and culture, digging us into the truth of our sentiments and desires. Immediately, the Acta of yesterday´s meeting was brought before the assembly for approval, and it was duly approved unanimously. We forgot to mention in yesterday´s brief report about the election of Laura Yax as the secretary of the Chapter; and that Susana Villar and Fatima Pui were the “escrutadoras” (scrutineers/tellers).
To further on, our General Coordinator, Sister Raquel Gil presented the Informe the state of the present reality of the Congregation, highlighting the actions and agreements based on the General Chapter. The presentation flowed in the very outline of the General Plan of 2016-2022. The present service rendered, the second half of the term, is marked by the impact of the pandemic which has interrupted in almost all that was planned, obliging each one to confront with the reality of the moment. The outbreak of the pandemic came without planned agenda nor anticipated planning, but the sisters confronted the situation with a hopeful attitude.
In her reportage, we were invited to reflect upon the importance we give in the “doing”, more than the “being”. Our identity as missionary is rooted in this relationship´s significance and evangelic testimony of our lives, drawn from the person of Jesus.
In like manner, we were invited to have a change of mind and heart to enable us to walk together, nurture those communitarian spaces by which we are invited to encounter our very selves and others to realize steps towards reflection and action. We need to harnish a philosophy of life, which esteems those that are good and valuable in each person and in the world we come in contact with. We were recalled that community life is in a very close relationship to formation, and for which we need healthy communities and respectable. We need to assume for a soulful formation, with life and transformative.
One more great challenge to our missionary creativity is the instability, discernment and revision of our works and presences and opt for a more significant presence. This requires acceptance with all humility our very limits and to listen with attentiveness in the cries of our suffering world.
With regards to structural renewal, we were reminded to make life flow simplifying structures and advancing in a more humanizing structures, exercising a shared leadership, with a prepared scheme to relieve, assuming with co-responsibility, the challenge of being testimonies and prophets who denounce, makes flesh our belonging and expands our horizons. Ending the Informe, the sisters chapter members thanked and shared the resonances of the said report.
Then, we came up to the virtual meeting of almost all the communities and sisters of the Congregation, receiving greetings, prayers, best wishes to all the Chapter members present. Thank you sisters, for the warm gestures you have shown.
Lastly, the Report on the Statistics by our sister Trini came with a multicultural reality, multigenerational and despite of fewer number of sisters, we are most grateful for the vocations received including those in pandemic times.
Both reports, however, have left us with greater challenges and hopes. The sisters will receive both reports by email.