- Hnasmdro
- febrero 28, 2022
- MDR Experiences
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- 362
“And she answered YES I will go; I will go to the Jungle”
Blessed Ascension Nicol was a woman of faith and trust. She was so silent in her words and actions. Her first call was to be a Cloistered Religious Nun. She dedicated her whole life to serve God in the convent for many years. She was also teaching in the school for over 28 years. However, her desire to serve the poorest was boundless. It was such a great crisis for the sisters in Huesca when the government wanted to take over the school. Yet, Blessed Ascension Nicol’s faith and trust in God has opened her up to a new life, that is a missionary call. How it feels to go to the jungle after teaching for 28 years?
I believe it is such a difficult decision, if it was me, but not for blessed Ascension. At once, she left everything in the hands of God and said YES I will go, I will go the jungle. Why was it possible for her to say “Yes” so easily after hearing the suffering of the poor from Fr. Zubieta? I would say that it was her love for Christ that moved her. Her missionary spirit was awakened from the art of her listening. She listened to the sufferings of the poor. She listened to their cries and pains. She felt their need in silence. She totally let go of her teaching career and follow Christ to be in the land of the natives. It must have been hard for anyone to leave the school after teaching for many years and be sent to the jungle!
I believed that Blessed Ascension call was a call of her faith and love. It was love that moved her, that is why we celebrate our feast day on October 05 for 103 years. That is why, she is named “Blessed Ascension Nicol”, as St. Paul says, “If you speak many languages, have faith to move the mountains, but have no love, you are nothing.”
As I reflect about Bl. Ascension’s life, I find a mixed feeling of joy and sorrow. The joy is, when you give all to God, you will find God in everything. I feel sorrow when I see our modern world has changed cultures. Instead of learning to totally surrender our lives, we are being totally attached. Sometimes, we choose to go to places we want, to the mission we like. Today is the urgent call for me to keep awake my missionary spirit which is to go wherever I am sent. To keep silence like Bl. Ascension Nicol whenever I encounter problems or difficulties because God is at my side always.
To trust in God totally and not in my abilities, never to feel that I am alone, for God indeed, He who calls me is faithful and he will do everything for me.