- Hnasmdro
- noviembre 8, 2021
- MDR Experiences
- 0
- 518

This was my goal when I arrived at the place of my apostolic practices in Batcham-Fiela on April 21st, 2021. In fact, my pastoral work was very broad (hospital, parish, neighborhood) and in all this I only wished the good for my brothers and sisters through my evangelical witness.
In the hospital I was in charge of receiving the sick to take their parameters, I made an effort to be heard as much as possible in their language, since I received more elderly people; it was a time of learning and dialogue for me. When one or more of the patients presented problems, I tried as much as possible to comfort them with beautiful words or with a moving extract from the life of Christ, and this helped them morally; others even asked me to pray with them before the start of their operation on the operating table for their good result.
I also worked with pregnant women during their prenatal visits to counsel and help them to see the beauty of childbirth and the mystery that the Lord has entrusted to them, which they must jealously guard, so that they understand the greatness of the birth of a child in the eyes of God.
To mothers who take their babies to be vaccinated, I advised them about their care, love and the joy they must have for the gift of 9 months that the Father had given them.
In addition, I used to go to crippled parish stations to hold the celebration of the word and give communion to the sick in the neighborhood. It was the a good moment of evangelization and preaching based on the Word of God, a moment of true challenge to the believers to love, the faith, to the conversion of their sins while waiting for the day when Christ will come so as not to be like the foolish Virgins who were pushed out of the wedding hall.
For the sick, during communion, it was a question of rekindling their trust and hope for a better day in God, despite the weight of their illnesses or sufferings, so that they would maintain the hope that Christ is always present and protects them in every moment.
Dear sisters, this is a brief summary of my apostolate in our community of Batcham-fiela. My joy is great because Dominican preaching has been effective everywhere.