Understanding the message of daily living, learning to love my vocation more
- Hnasmdro
- agosto 30, 2021
- MDR Experiences
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Christians often speak of having a “vocation” or being “called”. Many of us are likely familiar with stories of “call” and how an individual was led to become a religious.
We, the Dominicans, profess obedience, and embrace a life of poverty and chastity for the sake of the Kingdom. Embracing one’s vocation is done in God and not only for oneself, but also to serve others. The workplace where a person lives out a vocation is a mission field for evangelization. Our witnessing and sharing our faith are indeed our truest way to share the Good News, to serve others.
“Vocation” is based on the idea that each individual person has unique strengths and gifts with which they can make a positive contribution to the good of the community. Each of us has interests and passions that can propel us in directions of service and creativity. By living our life as a response to a call, we find meaning in our work and give purpose to our life. A clear sense of one’s vocation or calling, then, will involve the following:
- Discovery in the field of work that uses gifts and strengths to serve others.
- That our everyday, is a possibility to reach out to God´s people.
- We are driven by our love for God to be present in our seemingly routinary task.
- Finding meaning in what I am doing right now as we are called to be students, professors, leaders, and so forth, right here and now.
- Recognizing that vocation is not static or limited to my job. Vocation also includes my relationships, which effects and causes defines my presence and work as a volunteer beyond the workplace.
- A sense of joy, that a particular task or kind of work is what I am supposed to be doing with my life at this particular time.
- The affirmation of others who animate and recognize the work I am doing, the piece of contribution to my own becoming and making as a member of my community, a missionary.
Gifts are gifts from God. They are necessary in fulfilling the calling of God. In the letter of 1 Peter 4: 10 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms”.
Whatever our call be, we are first and foremost called to a life of holiness. Before we were born, God had a plan for each of us. Nothing will make us happier than following this plan that God has prepared for us. We live in a society that tells us to live independently by ourselves, that tells us to seek our own happiness. However, following God´s will is the surest way, where we can truly be happy. Only in seeking God’s will we are able to experience life to the fullest. As Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly”.
– John 10:10 –
Sister Maria Melinda R. Sienes, OP
Reina dela Paz Community
Baliwasan, Zamboanga City