This rather bizarre phenomenon in my Religious life as a Missionary Dominican Sister of the Rosary started somehow with candid infatuations seasoned with uncertainties of what the future could offer a youth who had just stepped into the portals of a debutante age. Not a bit of inkling so to speak, was my desire to be part of the prestigious Congregation of the Missionary Dominican Sisters of the Rosary, much less to be counted among the aptly called daughters of His Excellency Mons. Fray Ramon Zubieta y Les, O.P.
Nevertheless, the forceful persuasion of the Holy Spirit sufficed to compel me to leave everything and embark resolutely to an unknown journey as a Missionary Dominican Sister of the Rosary, a Congregation totally unfamiliar to me except some of our first Spanish Sisters whom I had befriended earlier. Significant queries however, continued lurking somewhere, along the course of my Religious life such as: What is my quest in this particular state of life? Who is the secondary core drive of my call, Jesus, being the first and foremost? Who is this powerful personality that inspires and fascinates numerous young women to trail enthusiastically at his bid?
To be truthful, during my initial religious formative years, I had scanty knowledge and image of Mons. Ramon Zubieta taken either from books I have read or inspired by the History of the Congregation taught by our Novice Mistress. Thus, my eagerness was stimulated and this urged me to delve more deeply to read, know and learn further about this exceptional figure by avidly listening to every account of his life, stories, anecdotes, Chronicles and Documents sent from our General Secretariat and from the personal attestations of our own Sisters in the Congregation. Notwithstanding, this endeavor unconsciously constituted the groundwork of my daily reflections, meditations during my intimate moments with the Lord.
The testimonies I had so far gleaned, thus became the gauge and backbone of my spirituality in every aspect with the full conviction that this is what God wants for me: To faithfully follow Jesus by living my religious commitment in the Spirit, Ideals and Charism set forth by our Founders: Fray Ramon Zubieta y Les and Blessed Ascension Nicol Goni.
The History of the Life of Mons. Ramon Zubieta recounts that his spirituality is anchored on a strong connectivity with God through his Powerhouse of Prayer, a life of vivid faith and absolute trust in God’s Providence which also comprises his pillar of strength sustaining him in all his endeavors and undertakings particularly the laudable Project of the Congregation.
Such an eloquent life bespeaks indeed of a noble Man of God who embodies fine traits and virtues: Being a humane, compassionate and gentle Leader with a magnanimous heart and a special penchant for the poor, women and children, those found within the boundaries of the peripheries.
And toward his daughters the Missionary Dominican Sisters of the Rosary, he was tenderly solicitous. I relish in recalling an amusing anecdote in his life how he fondly gave joy and fun to the sisters by bringing in his pockets some candies whenever he visited them in the communities. What an expression of his amazingly humane fatherly affection!
This is what in my later years, evoked in me grand admiration toward our Father Founder Mons. Ramon Zubieta, O.P. and consequently lured me to persevere in my course of journey and in the pursuit of my religious quest and missionary venture. Hence, the delightful affection I feel towards him as my Father in this renown Congregation is awesomely great!
His day-to-day impact on my vocation, mission, personal and community life is such that I regard him as my immediate and one of my powerful intercessors in Heaven, alongside with St. Dominic and Blessed Mo. Ascension Nicol. So much so, that in whatever vicissitudes in life I may be in, even the most trivial concern or predicament I am beset with, I do not hesitate to recourse to both Mons. Ramon Zubieta and Blessed Mo. Ascension Nicol. There and then, I feel their gentle nudge prodding me to vibrantly proceed, never to dishearten nor falter in my steps. Assuring me likewise, the glim of the promised silver lining beyond the horizon, where Jesus will work out things the best on my behalf.
Hence, I can boldly exclaim that this illustrious Saint, Son of St. Dominic is an epitome, the embodiment of a spiritually inspiring leader, a venturesome founder and an intrepid, dauntless, self- sacrificing missionary even in the face of diverse kinds of suffering and tortures during his prime age as a young Dominican Priest in the Philippines.
During this Centenary year of our Father and Founder more than ever I entreat Jesus and our Blessed Mother Mary, to help enshrine in me the spirit, ideals and charism of Mons. Ramón Zubieta and Blessed Ascension Nicol Goni that through their prayers I may consistently and perseveringly flesh them out the best I can to be worthy of such lofty Founders. May God the Father listen to our prayers and hasten the process of his beatification!
Thank you, Father, Mons. Ramon Zubieta and Blessed Mo. Ascension Nicol Goni for your irresistible, yet gentle inspiration for me to join your family the Missionary Dominican Sisters of the Rosary which is your greatest and laudable legacy to us your daughters and to the whole Church.
Sister Consolacion A. Sta. Maria