In the middle of this sanitary crisis of Covid-19, a group of young people who study at DUOC UC (Higher education institute in Chile) keep their decision and option to maintain their preparation to get their sacraments in an online way (Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation).
For them it was a time of great challenge, and above all, a commitment with their sacramental formation, since they had to find balance among their exhaustion due to achieve their academic requirements and their working and family lives. They persevered and found themselves with God from Nazarene, from his infinite tenderness, nearness compassion and great humanity.
During this walk, little by little they were hatching a personal and communitarian reencounter, generating bows and attitudes that allowed them to let their hearts to flow and to make reason to be silenced. After every topic illuminated by the Gospel light, they stated: “each day they find sense in Jesus’ words and teachings”, “we have let him to touch us by his humanity as Master,” through his gestures, deep look, words of hope, listening attitude and his sense of closeness towards loosing relatives and friends. Besides, it implied to detach from certain attitudes and behaviors that are contrary to his values. That way, we were understanding the great challenge that means to be a disciple and missionary of our Lord Jesus from this humanization road.
I just want to thank to the God of Life for everything we have lived in this process in the middle of uncertainty. I thank joys and his presence embodied in the walking that they took according to what each of them wanted for their lives, which meant to reaffirm their faith in Him and let themselves to be accompanied from God’s tenderness.