We have been experienced this pandemic, Covid-19, for almost half a year. People lost their loved ones daily here and there. Everywhere there is a solitude moan. We are afraid ourselves of losing one of our loved ones and we are also afraid of dying without our relatives next to us. On the other hand, we are always reminding that these fears will only lead us to a futile anxiety.


In fact, we have realized many things and one of them is the art of trusting. We have been praying for this pandemic to be over soon. We know it is going to take some time, but we trust God’s power and how it can finish everything in one moment. Believing is one of our authentic Christian characters, even when he is in silence. Our faith has taken us to see the light in this very dark moment for humanity. Fortunately, adaptation is always possible for us for facing this tragedy.

Life is not always easy, through this pandemic we learn to adjust ourselves to this critical situation so as to be creative in simple things, staying at home for focusing ourselves in our studies, and communitarian and prayer life.

By living in a community, each member has received an enthusiastic atmosphere and energy to fight against the pandemic. There is nothing to lose during this difficult time, but a great lesson in its place has taught us to see things with a shining hope and valuing our self-discipline.

It is absolutely true that every day is a lesson and every difficulty a great master. Time always goes ahead; people learn every minute to understand more about life’s significance.

From March 13th, 2020, the Philippines has started its lockdown because of the pandemic. It is not allowed to go out, especially in public spaces or meetings up today June 2020. This circumstance has made us to fulfill our place and time with self-reflection and self-study, which helps us to know ourselves better.

Being with ourselves and God, we learn that a person is more valuable than his/her worst action. The attitude of valuing ourselves help personally to reflect that when the whole world is starving and dying, new lives and new things come ahead.

We miss our daily masses, especially on Sunday, but we do not lose our online mass, though what we feel is we are in luck. Being a Christian and having no mass is as a house without its pillar. However, our community joined by pray and sharing reminds us that Christ not dead but alive. As the pandemic has its limitations, it is time that it comes to us and also that it leaves us. Its calamity last less, because God is not for those who are dead, but for those who are alive and our lives are for God, not for the pandemic.

We should be a Christian full of hope and not worries or problems.

We must live a life of joy instead of sorrow, because Jesus says, “do not be afraid, because I am with you until the end of times.”


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