- Hnasmdro
- June 8, 2020
- MDR Experiences
- 0
- 377
I am on Holidays in my giant Democratic Republic of the Congo, where -as in any other country- it was ordered, on March 10th, a national emergency state, immovability and closed borders.
All the activities are still suspended, and people continue their social lockdown. I think that -for a reason that only God knows- few days after I left Ecuador, the first Covid-19 was reported in Ecuador. If this would have happened before, I am not sure if I would have been able to get out of the country. I had been waiting for a long time my holidays, because there were many things in the past that prevented me to take some days off and visit my family.
I am having a very special holiday. However, I am happy because though there are hard days, there are also beautiful days. I get up in the morning and try to see what I can do, because I there are not many routine activities, so we have to be creative, otherwise it will be boring being at your own home. Creativity encourages us to keep fighting this pandemic, but this fight must always be developed by washing your hands all the time.
My siblings and I are making everything that is possible. We stayed at home sharing what we have and supporting each other. For me, beyond this pandemic, this is a very special holiday. Certainly, I can say that I know a Little bit more of my siblings and my nephews and nieces. Being forced to stay at home makes us to learn more from the other and I am sure they feel the same.
We live day after day hoping to defeat this pandemic and that one day we will be back to our “regular lives.” Together we ask virgin Mary during this month to accompany us and help us to resist and respect restrictive measures taken by our government. In this time, we need to put brave face to these difficult times, though we must not forget that there are also positive details in the reality we have to live.