The session among postulants takes place every third weekend in ITPR-Mvolyé from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The program includes animation, eucharistic celebration, meals, the works at the crossroads, different household chores, etc.

During the year different topics are programmed and among them, we chose to talk about “Self-knowledge.” To know yourself is very complex because you must go deeper to know our being. We cannot just base on the external, because we have values, capacities, knowledge, weaknesses, and faults…

Self-knowledge is to know deeper our existence: to possess knowledge, to have and to know. We discover ourselves daily due to the changes we experiment in ourselves. It is necessary to cultivate the motivation that is within emotional competences to allow us to reach a personal commitment and its objectives, such as effort, the capacity for reaching goals tenaciously despite obstacles, strengthen optimism and empathy.

Those of us who embrace the path of religious life, may it lead us to the sacred path of life, and may we be endowed with faith in ourselves.

Dear sisters, this is what we wanted to share with you. Happy time reading dear sisters!

Patriciane (Applicant).

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