Don’t be afraid!

Don’t be afraid! These words were pronounced by beatus John Paul II on the day of the inauguration of his pontificate, October 22nd, 1978 and are still relevant today.

I allow myself dear sisters to dedicate these words to ourselves in the difficult times we are facing. Don’t be afraid because Christ has defeated death. He’s alive, it is Easter!          

We have been called to accept life as it is, including nooks and to live with hope and joy despite the realities we may face. In fact, Covid-19 has separated us from so many wonders, it has modified many projects, dreams…but also, it must allow us to find with our interior being. Don’t we say that God writes straight on a curved line?

Don’t be afraid and let’s hold on to life! Let’s welcome this lockdown time as a time of grace that allows us to escape from our routines and to open us to God’s plan for us. It invites us you live differently.

Let’s take advantage of this opportunity, which is a beginning for a better tomorrow, as the iron, which is transformed and purified when in contact with fire. Let this time being for us a time for reading, studying, from heart to heart with God and with nature, a time of creativity, time to exam and listen ourselves to strengthen our brotherhood’s bonds and to taste our community moments…

Trusting Christ who has risen, let’s inspire personally and in community, so at the end of this pandemic crossing we can sing with the psalmist: “we enter in water and fire and you, our Lord has renewed us in abundance” Psalms 65,12

Bénédicte Mukadi

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