- Rodrio Gaete
- December 20, 2019
- MDR Experiences
- 368

During the last two months with our elder sisters of the community: Baranyain, Burriana and Leon we lived unique moments of ease, joy and sense of belonging.
The first aspect that facilitated our integration was the reception from the sisters, which makes us feel as if we were part of the communities. We were marked by the virtues, the sense of belonging and the responsibility they showed for one another, the testimony of being a sister (to accept what we are, not what others wanted us to be), the attention and mutual accompaniment.
The pray was the key we have felt in the sisters. The moments of silence and contemplation they have reflected on them that they were make sense and coherence to their lives. This invited us to continue making the experience of encounter with God and having a deep relationship with them. In the communitarian moments (recreation, dancing, games and news) we have felt how to share in life making a critical interpretation of what we had seen on the news. At the same time, we were invited to participate in the vital situation of people.
We were marked by the proximity of our sisters with the people from the town of the Christian community. By this, people feel the affection and presence of the sisters.
In the reception, we felt that the integration is very important in the community because if it fails, we would live as foreigner in our own house. For this reason, during the first day the sisters, who were conscious about this reality, taught us the essential of the house and from this reception we felt free to participate in the communitarian life.
The sense of belonging helped us to live and share our lives among elder and younger sisters, because all of us have something to contribute. We learned the importance of listening by paying attention to what other person expresses, though it might be repeated several times. This helped us to cultivate our patience and to live it daily, something we learned from practice.
In mutual accompaniment and responsibility divided by our sisters we were helped to be conscious about the importance of walking together and to mark our presence (here I am with you) without saying it.
Pray and contemplation from the sisters helped us to encourage on us the pleasure to be with our Master and to be conscious about what we do makes sense to him. This prayer life is transmitted in the joy, something that challenges us to cultivate more and to create the environment that help us to live.
We have felt that though some sisters do not have enough physical strength, they are enjoying this intimate relationship with God, which is an experience that is the result of the work they have done throughout their lives.
In the communitarian moments (meals and recreation) the focus was on sharing experiences lived in their missions and their formation as well. Despite we are living on a global society, our social media did not interfere the moments we spent together.
It was an opportunity of sharing mutually the joys of being missionary. On our behalf, we learnt the joy of giving our lives to God by loving others. We were marked by the unity that flourishes from spiritual life, nourished everyday by the Eucharist.
This experience marked us so much that it changed our perspective and idea of our consecration as missionaries, and if it is possible, we would love to express our gratitude again to our sisters for everything we learned from them. We are deeply pleasant towards the general council sisters for this initiative.
From Clara and Vanesa; Gilda and Salomé; Ángeles and Rafaela.
“We do Good to people as much as we love them” Mother Ascension Nicol.YOU